Alliance Plenary Meeting

March 22nd 2022 14:00 - 16:00 UTC+2
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Dear members of the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife,

It’s been a while since our Inception Workshop in June 2021 where we presented the Alliance and discussed issues still to elaborate and things to do with many of you. We are thrilled your number has been growing, and that you, along with some 94 organizations from the international political sphere, from the non-governmental and scientific community as well as representatives from governments, have signaled your keen interest to be part of this Alliance, initiated by the German Federal Government, specifically Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Federal Ministry for Environment Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

Since June a lot has happened:

  • the Alliance was officially launched at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille in early September;
  • we launched our first learning and dialogue formats for our members and
  • carried out an initial call for proposals, whose selected projects have started their work around the globe,
  • and, most importantly, the Incubation Group has elaborated the Alliance’s Vision and Mission and is currently finalizing its governance and membership model.

These results will serve as the foundation, on which to build the Alliance as interdisciplinary, international and inclusive platform to share knowledge and move implementation forward. To present to you this and jointly consider the way forward, we cordially invite you to join

our first Alliance plenary meeting on March 22 from 14:00 – 16:00 CET